Labor & Delivery

***Work in progress; subject to change***

Preparation for labor:

  • Hypnobabies 
  • Birth ball exercises 
  • Yoga
  • Walking
  • Red raspberry leaf tea
  • Dates - 6 a day for at least the last 4 weeks of pregnancy, may lead to shorter labor, faster dilation, and less need for induction drugs. Study
  • Hospital bag
When labor starts:
  • I want to labor at home/outside the hospital for as long as possible. I need to check
    • If I start labor while the doctor office is open, can I just pop in there if I feel the need to be checked instead of going to the hospital? 
    • If my water breaks, how long can I continue to labor at home? 

In the hopsital:
  • So long as the baby is handling labor just fine I want the option to: 
    • Skip the IV, or just have the port in, but not be connected to any drips. 
    • I want to be free to move around, walk the halls, use the birth ball, change positions.
    • Wait to push until I feel ready, or even allow my body push on its own. I don't want to be told to push just because I'm fully dilated and then end up exhausting myself. 
    • When the baby begins to crown I want to take some time to let my body stretch to accommodate her head. I'd also like to be able to use some sort of oil to condition the skin and help with stretching. 
    • I'd like to avoid:
      • Pitocin
      • Epidural
      • Episiotomy 
  • When the baby arrives, so long as she doesn't need immediate medical care, I'd like:
    • Have her placed on my chest and have her evaluation done while she is with me
    • Delayed cord clamping
    • Wait to bathe her 
    • Skip the eye ointment

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